Had enough of trying to find the tabernacle in Church? Being denied Holy Communion on the tongue? Having an army of women rush the altar to distribute Holy Communion while Father takes a break? And all that 70’s music masquerading as hymns You are Near, The King of Glory, and Sing a New Song.
For the past sixty years Catholics have been betrayed by the shepherds we trusted to lead us to heaven. The precious doctrine of the faith has been denied to us. The rites of our ancestors have been stripped away from us. Our churches have been desecrated (and now sold off as discos, restaurants and stores) and the crimes and abuses of the clergy have scandalized us.
Millions of Catholics have left the Church; millions more have had their hearts broken. Now it’s time to fight back.
LifeSiteNews is proud to host the Rome Life Forum in Exile themed as a Recovering from Modernism conference, to be held in Kansas City, Missouri at the InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza on October 17 & 18, 2024.
It was Pope St. Pius X who aptly referred to Modernism as a “poison.” Our Rome Life Forum In Exile conference will explore the antidotes: liturgical restoration, authentic doctrinal formation, true moral principles, a committed spiritual life, and a profound understanding of the root causes of the crisis.
Join LifeSiteNews, and our world class team of speakers, so that together we can heal from the poison of Modernism.